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~ An Amazing Stone of Versatility
Since the 15th century, this stone, created by volcanic activity, has been used across the world for it's healing and grounding properties.
-The Grounding Stone
Hematite is a natural stone that creates a calm environment, helping with inner peace, happiness, self-control, memory, and overall emotional well being. As a meditation stone, this is the perfect base chakra gem, allowing you to remain grounded and closely tied to Mother Earth.
~ Properties of Hematite
Strengthens the immune system, decreases inflammation, draws out fever, reduces aches and pains. Enhances focus & concentration, improves balance & stability, increases resistance to stress, improves memory, calms anxiety. Dissolves negativity, nervous disorders, insomnia, leg cramps and headaches. Fortifies the blood, increases circulation, supports spleen and blood cleansing, reduces anemia Aids in alignment of the spine, balances the nervous system. Helps with bone spurs, broken bones and gout.
~ History
The original bloodstone, Hematite’s English name originated from Ancient Greek: haimatitēs lithos meaning "blood-red stone". Deposits of hematite are typically found in places where there has been standing water or hot mineral springs, or as result of volcanic activity. Hematite is a unique opaque gemstone made of 70% iron and 30% oxygen. Used for jewelry, decoration, carried as good luck charms, and to produce pigment, this stone has been dated to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, and even found on some of the earliest armor.
~ Testimonials on the following:
Arthritis + Migraines + Blood Pressure + Carpal Tunnel + Tendinitis + Sinuses + Swelling + Pinched Nerves + Stress + Anemia + Restless Leg Syndrome + Insomnia + Circulation + Plantar Fasciitis + Focus + Concentration
Kim's Unique Boutique
Phone: 513-602-2154 Proudly Owned Since 2005 Email: kimjamesboutique@gmail.com
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